Travel Tips & Logistics

4 Ways Traveling Will Change How You See the World

Discover the beauty of traveling beyond just the views you witness by Gabrielle Foster for the third half


With travel photos and blogs all over the Internet, it seems as if more and more people are enjoying exploring the world. However, the numbers say otherwise! A survey on the New York Post reveals that a shocking 1 in 10 Americans have never even left their home state, while 40% say they’ve never gone out of the country. There are a lot of reasons why people choose not to travel with most saying it’s too expensive or intimidating. However, there are a lot of benefits that come with traveling which makes it a great investment. 

#1 It makes you happier and more thoughtful

Traveling is fun and exciting with adventures and otherworldly experiences lurking around every corner. Just the anticipation of this excitement is beneficial. Researchers at Cornell University state that by simply planning a trip it increases serotonin in the blood leaves, therefore increasing happiness. Those who do travel improve their overall emotional and mental well being, which in turn will affect the way they approach things after returning home. Researchers from Maryville University point out how there is a definite connection between mental health and learning success, and for some the benefits they get from travel and learning about a new culture goes a long way to making them much happier and wiser.

The benefits you get from traveling can have a positive impact on the way you study and work, and even how you socialize with others, long after the trip is over.

Image Credit: Pickwriters

#2 Travel teaches you to value experiences

Once you’ve seen the size of Egyptian pyramids or have taken gondola ride along the canals of Venice, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of experiences in a new light instead of looking for gratification of material things. Before you know it, you’ll be saving up for plane tickets instead of a new phone or designer clothes! And why wouldn’t you? The unique experience you get from immersing yourself in other cultures and experiencing new things brings a new element into your life that materialistic matters cannot rival.

#3 You will learn to be creative and resourceful

More often than not, traveling entails stepping out of your comfort zone whether it be because of a missed flight or you got caught up in the sense of adventure, you will have to learn to adapt through creativity and resourcefulness, instead of hopefully not resulting to panic! And some of the time, those moments become the most precious because they were not planned! In fact, a study featured by the American Psychological Association, details how travel affects creative output, with results showing that leaders who travel more become more creative and innovative in their organizations. This is probably because when faced with unfamiliar or tough situations on the road, you have to learn to think on your feet and use what resources you have in the moment. So if people ask you are traveling so much you can say that it is proven that successful people travel often, therefore you are following their lead and getting out of your comfort zone to become more creative!

#4 It can change the trajectory of your life

Although it may sound a little extreme, you may stumble upon certain experiences abroad that can change your life forever. One moment, you are working at your desk job, the next you’re flying to a far-flung island country to pursue your passion. Case in point, Chris Bullock’s amazing story of how a two-week stay in South Africa turned into 10 years after he fell in love with his work and the people there.While this may not happen to everyone, travel can reveal life decisions and options you otherwise wouldn’t have discovered if you had never gone.

This article was written by Gabrielle Foster for the third half.

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